Monday, January 12, 2009

Six month check up

So we went in today for Tristan's 6 month check up..He now weighs....drum roll please 16lbs 10ounces and he is 25 1/4 inches tall!! I guess he is tall for his age....BUT he is under weight by a few pounds..WHICH is amazing to me considering all the little chunk rolls going all down his arms and (tomorrow I will try and get a pic of him in just his diaper to put on here to show a recent chunky monkey baby..and how skinny he is lol he is in bed right now so can't do it tonight)The doc said it is nothing to worry about that he is a healthy baby boy and there is nothing to worry about. BUT of course I start worring. I thought the doc would think we were not feeding him enough so I started babbling on about how much he eats...and all that good stuff, the doc laughed and kept telling us that Tristan is fine. That he is just "a couple pounds" lighter then most babys his age. Anyways enough on that. So Tristan got his 6 month shots. He did NOT cry on the first two shots...He was kicking the nurse with his free leg..BUT when she went to put the tetnis (not sure if that is how you spell it but you should know what I am talking about) in the other leg..the leg that he was kicking her with...he got MAD when she held that leg down..He screamed and growlled but as soon as she let you he started kicking at her again. lol. Just thought I would share the experience with you all.....The three of you who read

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's great that everything is well. That is also great that he didn't cry for his shots. Cayden screamed for his. We are coming on the 24th, because we are having a surprise party for Debbie. (You will be getting an invitation) It would be fun to get Tristan and Cayden together and take some pictures, since they are so close in age. I will look for the picture you are supposed to post! :)