Saturday, April 25, 2009

9 Month Check up

So we went in on Tuesday for Tristan's 9 month check up..He now weighs exactly 19lbs. He is 27 1/4 inchs long and his head measured 17 1/4 inchs. I was worried that he had a ear infection again cuz he is always sticking his fingers in them and pullin on them.But they were fine. The dr said they probably just ich. He says Tristan is a healthy lil fart. And he is advanced for his age. Tristan I think was showing off of him.He was standing and trying to walk to him. He was talking up a storm and telling the dr no when he tried to lay him town to feel his

Since I am updating this I might as well get the nine month post done before I forget..Tristan his talking like crazy. He says Momma Dadda Bye (and he waves when he says it) says wha(meaning what) Bobba (bottle) no(and he shakes his head while doing it) He claps his hands now..I don't know why but that is one of my faviorte things he does now..He looks so big when he does it..He is trying to say Yeah when he does it..but he still needs to practice that He is still trying to master the walking thing. He has taken 5 steps on his own. He had a nasty fall one day and I thought he broke his wrist..But turned out he was fine luckly..And since then he is a lil more carefull..But he will have it down before to long. I am trying to get him use to the sippy cup. He drinks from it..But I think it comes out quicker then the bottle cuz sometime he seems to choke on it.He is still on the stage 1 nipple. Since I nursed him so long he is use to that slow flow of milk and that is all he wants..He would be doing better with the sippy cup..But my daycare lady always "forgets" to give him the sippy SO we need to help her OH YEAH and Tristan blows kisses!!!!!!!!He does it in his own lil baby way..But it is super cute.He puts the back of his hand in his mouth makes this weird sound and moves his hand out real fast.It is cute..But hard to Well going to get off of here.To whoever reads this..If anyone hope you have a good weekend!!:)

1 comment:

Sarah Mwango said...

Wow Liz, He is such a little smarty! I bet it is so cute to see him taking his first steps. I remember how wobbly those days were. Pretty soon he wil be off and running and you will shed like 10 lbs just chasing after him.. haha
I am going to try to come to LaGrande Memorial weekend (Unless my husband has other plans I am not aware of) If it does happen then, then I know I will be there sometime in June. I have Saturday classes until June 13th sooo I can't come until those are over.
So how are you doing? We should chat on some type of Messenger sometime. It would be good to catch up. Love ya!