Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tristan is here..Week 1

He is finally here!!!!!! I still can't believe it..It seems at times that the time is already flying by..Other times it seemes like he has been here forever. Weird hua? So the first week home I started off like a nervous wreck!! (Ask my mom she knows.. haha) I don't have that post pardum thing. I just didn't know for sure if I would be able to have any kids because of the cervical cancer stuff that I feel so blessed that I now have this beautiful healthy baby boy. Just thinkig how lucky I am makes me tear up.. I never thought I could love something so little so fast! But enough of that.. Let see what I can tell you about this little man. Well...for starters he is beautiful like his momma!! haha. No he looks like a mix of me and Bill (I just like taking all the credit.) He eats A L OT!!!!! I am nursing him and it seems like he is always stuck on my chest!! Sometimes it don't even seem like he is eating just playing with my boob! He gets full I notice and like to just lick me.. Weird hua? Bill says it is a man thing and let him be. :) Tristan hardly ever crys!! BUT... He hates and I mean HATES for his diaper to be changd!!!!! He screams and screams like I am beating him and as soon as you put the clean diaper on him he is fine. He quits crying RIGHT away!! It is cute...but at four in the morning it gets a little exsausting.. He sleeps really good for a new born!! (Except if I eat Taco Bell or anything spicy..he gets really fussy and don't want to nurse or sleep he just screams!!) He will sleep anywhere from 2-4 hours straight. I notice almost every night he wakes up for the first time around midnight to get changed and feed. Then he will wake up between2-4 (just depends how much he ate at midnight) Then he wakes us between 4:30-5 to eat and then he is out til 8 or 9 so he is kinda on a schedule already. Which is kind of nice. Another thing about this little man is he HATES to have his hands covered!! He scratches his face so we put mittens on his little hands...Well Tristan screams and puts the mittens in his mouth or under his chin and pulls till they come off!! Smart hua? He is really amazing!! I just love watching him and the faces he makes. I still can't believe he is finally here. Well I can't think off anything to write...I am sure there is a ton more I could write about but I am kinda sleep deprived..So I am going to close this for now and take a quick three minute shower before my lil man decides he is starving again!!!

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