Tristan at first was on a awesome sleep schedule. I almost could predict when he was going to be going to sleep..or be waking up...NOT NO MORE.. We still have some good days/nights were he has no problem sleeping other nights I will nurse him and he will fall asleep but as soon as I lay him down in his cradle he will wake up and just scream! I get frustrated at times because it seems like no matter what I will do for him..nothing will console him..Yet as soon as his Daddy has him he will go right to sleep and be fine. The other night though all he would do is cry almost all night. He would sleep for a half hour at the most at one time and then just wake up and scream. I gave him a warm bath and that helped for a minute or so I put him in his swaddle blanket and that would help for another minute or so. He wanted to be help up tight against my chest belly to belly. The next morning I went and got him some gas drops. I think something I ate must have upset his tummy cuz once the gas drops kicked in he was tooting everywhere and seemed to be happier. I keep forgeting what I eat affects him..Poor guy. Like one day I went and drank like 46 oz of white grape juice in one day (I do this often and it never hurts my tummy) and my poor baby kept pooing everywhere. I changed 5 poopy diapers in 1 hour!!lol (No this isn't what upset his tummy that one night he wouldn't sleep. :) )
Tristan started to make different sounds. When he is really hungry and he gets in the nursing postion he gets real excited and starts to move his head around (looking for a nipple) and scrunches up his nose and makes this snorting sound. It is cute but it hurts when he laches on cuz he is so excited he gets this super suction thing going on. LOL. When he starts to wake up also he does this little squicking (can't spell sorry..:))sound it is cute cuz he does a cute strech with it. I keep trying to get a picture of him streching but I am not quick enough.
He is still a great baby. I could not be happier..Just wish I was less sleep deprived. But that will get better with in time. I love taking him places. We always get people telling us how beautiful he is I love it!! lol. Bill is such a proud Daddy. When we go to any store he NEVER pushes the shopping cart..Now we put Tristan in the cart and Bill tells me "Oh I will push the cart this time babe" whatever I don't really care..Then Tristan starts fussing and Bill "Oh you can have the cart now I don't want to push it no more" and then he gets the baby out and carries him around. I love it.. Bill is just so big and tries to act all tuff and here he is with this tiny little baby and he turns into a big (just don't tell him I said that lol) Well my baby is starting to wake up and thinks he needs a boob right now!!So I better close this for now.