Tuesday, November 18, 2008

month 3

I still can not believe how fast my little man is growing up..Sniff Sniff! He is learning things so fast it just amazes me! He laughs out loud now!! It is really cute! My grandpa says he sounds like a little squicker toy.. Tristan will laugh almost for any little thing. He really is a happy baby. He grabs his feet all the time and trys to get them to his mouth. It is funny to hear him grunt and make all these sounds as he is in the process of doing so. He is now getting pretty good at taking off his socks...SO We now can find a lot of one sock..But can never find it mates..lol Tristan loves to be read to. He gets so excited he will start rocking himself on your knee as you read to him..So now anytime someone is talking a lot he gets excited like he is getting read to. haha
We went to Union ( I don't know why this went into under line mode..and don't know how to get it off..sorry!!lol) on Halloween. We went up there to have a photo shoot of the boy. My mom use to work with a awesome lady named Kendi and she has her own little studio and she took a TON of pics of the boy. I tried to get photos on here but not working right now..will try again later to add them.. Kendi took a hour and a half worth of pics and did such a amazing job!!! I just can not wait to go back to her..We are hoping to go back in Febuary for more photos. We just need to wait and see what the weather will be like then. We have been giving Tristan some rice cereal (mashed potatos&gravy also which he loves) he opens his mouth like a big boy and pretends he is chewing it is cute to watch. Any time we though and we are not feeding him he acts like he gets mad at us. So at dinner I have been trying to feed him also..PLUS sometimes it helps him sleep better at night. We have been putting him in his crib at night. Bill says he is getting to big for his craddle...But I still try to stuff him into it at times. He is getting use to his crib. He gets excited when we put him in it. We are trying to get him use to going to sleep on his own at night so we turn on his little fish light and wind up his moblie and lay him in his crib after I get done nursing him. BUT we might have to figure out something else besides the moblie though...He starts laughing and moving all around when we get it wond up and it starts moving and singing to him. He lays in there and laughs and talks to it..And then when it is done he gets mad and will scream until we wind it up again..lol. But he always seems to fall asleep after a couple times of this..Maybe watching the movment gets him dizzy and knocks him out haha. I keep trying to upload photos on here and it is being a pain in the ars so I think I am going to give up..Sorry.. I have been trying to add them for over a hour..SO if you are just going crazy wanting to see my sexxy little man go look at the pics on myspace...There is always a TON of them there..haha Talk to you all next month

Monday, October 13, 2008

Month 2...A completly differnet baby

I can not believe how fast the time is going already! It seems that I just had him..And then again I can not imagine my life before him! Everyday I find myself just watching him..Sleeping,eating anything he is doing just is so amazing to watch.. (I am going to be one of those creepy moms hiding around corners watching...spying...on their kids watch!lol) I went back to work on the first of October..I CRIED and CRIED and CRIED! I woke him up at 6:00 I woke him up to nurse him before I went to work.. And I started crying then..hehe. I was so nervous leaving him.. But he is doing AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! He has a lot of attention and love while I am gone..I call every break just to check on him. But for the most part he is a happy little fart!
He LOVES and I mean LOVES his Great Grandpa! He can be crying and I bring him over to talk to him and Tristan will stop crying (most of the time) and start smiling and talking back to him. It is amazing to watch the two of them together. Tristan will lean forward to but heads with His gg (greatgrandpa). Also my Grandpa NEVER holds babies. He is worried he will break them or something..But I will go close to grandpa and the next thing I know grandpa is taking him from me to sit him on his lap to play with him (which...I guess is a no no since he just had opened heart surgery!)
He loves being naked! When I get him naked he will quit crying and start kicking all over the place. He is also pretty happy just being in his diaper. It is cute to see his little naked body. He is starting to get little fat squishy rolls and I LOVE THEM!! He is my little michellen baby! (Not to sure how to spell it.)
My son is vain! He knows he is a beautiful boy! He likes mirrors. He gets excited to see his reflection...Untill he gets to excited and starts rocking back and forth and smacks his head..Poor baby! He is fasinated by his hands. They are always moving! He has them touching either each other or something at all times. I like it when he gets his little fingers locked together like he is praying..SUPER CUTE! He is starting to grasp things also..His poor tiger doll he is always sucking on its ear. He talks a LOT now!!! If you are talking while holding him he thinks you are talking to him and he gets all smily and will start to talk back!! I don't know who he gets the talking thing from..I don't talk that much!lol. He is over the colic thing!! PRAISE THE LORD! I honsetly don't know when it happend but he is a lot happier baby! It makes the evenings real nice now. He is on a pretty good scheudle now. I put him down at nine and he sleeps until six AND he don't do it all the time..BUT he has slept through the night 3 nights in a row! I did not though..I kept waking up to make sure he was breathing!!lol. Well It is WAY past my bed time. So I am going to close this off for now. Hope I did not bore you all!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Rest of the First Month

Okay...So as you should remember from my prego blog...I suck at remembering to keep up with my blog.. Sorry! Tristan is a beautiful blessing. Every day he just surprises me at what he does! He is so alert it makes me wonder what he is thinking. He smiles ALOT and is almost getting laughing down. He started doind alot of cute little baby sounds..I LOVE IT!! Whenever we go out people always get people asking how old he is. When we tell them his age they tell us they can not believe how alert he is and how well he holds his head up.. Tristan watches everything that is moving around him it is amazing to watch him discover everything. I have been trying to get him use to taking a bottle during the hours I will be at work and that is a trying experience. He is use to getting boobie and is not liking the bottle at all. SO most of the day he throws a boobie fit. We went to Babies R Us and got a Breast Flow Technolagy Bottle. He is doing a little better taking that bottle. I guess the same way you nurse on a nipple is the same way you have to nurse on the bottle. SO keep your fingers crossed he gets a little better about taking the bottle. He weighed 11 lbs 5 ounces and 21 1/2 incehes long. So he gained two pounds in one month. He is still sleeping pretty good..on most nights. Every now and then he trys to stay awake from three to five but we are working on it. I have him getting use to a schedule at night. Bill gives him a bath everynight (we have this lavender baby was IT IS AMAZING it calms him down for the night!) and then I rub down his little body with lotion and then feed him and he is out! I can't believe how much I love this little man! I can't even describe how amazing he is to me! Everyday I find my self just watching him and smiling...I have never had this kind of love that I have for my son! I am sure there is like a million other things I wanted to put in here...But I can not think of anything right now and my dinner is ready so I need to get off of here. Just wanted to ad a quick up date..I will try to do better at posting up dates..

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Week 3

Got milk?!?!

My little ham is getting so big! It is exciting to see him grow..BUT!!Sad that the time is going so FAST! It honestly seems like he just got here! I went into Wic today to get my Wic checks and they weighed him and he weighs....(Drum Roll Please) a hole 9pounds 5ounces!! And measures 20 1/2 inches long! But...he might weigh less now..They made me get my boy naked to weigh him. So they weigh him no problems and then they go and put him on a table to measure him. I was told to hold his neck and the Wic lady would hold his feet...Well..He got one leg free lifted it in the air and pooed..and it was runny and nasty (the yellow bird seed runny looking poo) and it went all over the wic ladys hand!LOL I laughed so hard. She didn't see the humor in it but crap let him keep his diaper on and we would of avoided this hole thing! Why does he need to be naky? They don't make us get butt naked to weigh us! (Thank GOD!!!) ALSO!! I weighed myself and I am 10 pounds lighter then when I got prego!!! HAPPY DANCE!!!!!! I didn't think I would weigh in less cuz my close fit..But they are still a little tight!!But still exciting... Anyways back to Tristan news. He is getting really good at following us with his eyes! Bill was walking around the living room while I was holding the baby and where ever Bill would go Tristan's eyes would follow. It was really cute. It made his daddie's day! He also likes his tounge. It is really cute. While he is awake..and happy..he will look around at everything and all you see is his tounge going in and out in and out. I love it. I put him down on the floor with this floor mat toy that has toys hanging above him..He don't like it unless you move the toys for him to watch! He still don't like his swing.But he loves his bouncy/vibrating chair..But you have to bounce him..To small to do it on his own still! lol He is smiling a lot lately..Call it gas if you want. But I can talk to him or tickle his monkey toes and he gives me a huge smile..Unless each time I do it there just happens to be a gas bubble!!lol. We took him on his first road trip. We went down to my mom and dad's house this last weekend. Tristan did really good on the trip...EXCEPT...he started fussing right before the Oregon border so I unbuckle to get a smoothie binky from my pocket and give it to Tristan....And what do you know a Oregon State Police comes and pulls us over! The jerk said that we should of pulled over on the side of the freeway if the baby was fussing! Cuz that is so much safer then just unbuckling..instead try to get back on the freeway when there are cars coming at you going 65mph and you are at a dead stop..That is so much safer..So anyways I got a 97 dollar ticket! FUN!!lol. But after that the boy slept the hole way there and the hole way home! It was nice cuz I was so nervous about taking him on a trip so early! That is all I can think about right now! I have had a headacke all day and think I am going to try and take a nap! Wish me luck

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Week 2 SLEEP?!?!

Tristan at first was on a awesome sleep schedule. I almost could predict when he was going to be going to sleep..or be waking up...NOT NO MORE.. We still have some good days/nights were he has no problem sleeping other nights I will nurse him and he will fall asleep but as soon as I lay him down in his cradle he will wake up and just scream! I get frustrated at times because it seems like no matter what I will do for him..nothing will console him..Yet as soon as his Daddy has him he will go right to sleep and be fine. The other night though all he would do is cry almost all night. He would sleep for a half hour at the most at one time and then just wake up and scream. I gave him a warm bath and that helped for a minute or so I put him in his swaddle blanket and that would help for another minute or so. He wanted to be help up tight against my chest belly to belly. The next morning I went and got him some gas drops. I think something I ate must have upset his tummy cuz once the gas drops kicked in he was tooting everywhere and seemed to be happier. I keep forgeting what I eat affects him..Poor guy. Like one day I went and drank like 46 oz of white grape juice in one day (I do this often and it never hurts my tummy) and my poor baby kept pooing everywhere. I changed 5 poopy diapers in 1 hour!!lol (No this isn't what upset his tummy that one night he wouldn't sleep. :) )
Tristan started to make different sounds. When he is really hungry and he gets in the nursing postion he gets real excited and starts to move his head around (looking for a nipple) and scrunches up his nose and makes this snorting sound. It is cute but it hurts when he laches on cuz he is so excited he gets this super suction thing going on. LOL. When he starts to wake up also he does this little squicking (can't spell sorry..:))sound it is cute cuz he does a cute strech with it. I keep trying to get a picture of him streching but I am not quick enough.
He is still a great baby. I could not be happier..Just wish I was less sleep deprived. But that will get better with in time. I love taking him places. We always get people telling us how beautiful he is I love it!! lol. Bill is such a proud Daddy. When we go to any store he NEVER pushes the shopping cart..Now we put Tristan in the cart and Bill tells me "Oh I will push the cart this time babe" whatever I don't really care..Then Tristan starts fussing and Bill "Oh you can have the cart now I don't want to push it no more" and then he gets the baby out and carries him around. I love it.. Bill is just so big and tries to act all tuff and here he is with this tiny little baby and he turns into a big softy..lol (just don't tell him I said that lol) Well my baby is starting to wake up and thinks he needs a boob right now!!So I better close this for now.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tristan is here..Week 1

He is finally here!!!!!! I still can't believe it..It seems at times that the time is already flying by..Other times it seemes like he has been here forever. Weird hua? So the first week home I started off like a nervous wreck!! (Ask my mom she knows.. haha) I don't have that post pardum thing. I just didn't know for sure if I would be able to have any kids because of the cervical cancer stuff that I feel so blessed that I now have this beautiful healthy baby boy. Just thinkig how lucky I am makes me tear up.. I never thought I could love something so little so fast! But enough of that.. Let see what I can tell you about this little man. Well...for starters he is beautiful like his momma!! haha. No he looks like a mix of me and Bill (I just like taking all the credit.) He eats A L OT!!!!! I am nursing him and it seems like he is always stuck on my chest!! Sometimes it don't even seem like he is eating just playing with my boob! He gets full I notice and like to just lick me.. Weird hua? Bill says it is a man thing and let him be. :) Tristan hardly ever crys!! BUT... He hates and I mean HATES for his diaper to be changd!!!!! He screams and screams like I am beating him and as soon as you put the clean diaper on him he is fine. He quits crying RIGHT away!! It is cute...but at four in the morning it gets a little exsausting.. He sleeps really good for a new born!! (Except if I eat Taco Bell or anything spicy..he gets really fussy and don't want to nurse or sleep he just screams!!) He will sleep anywhere from 2-4 hours straight. I notice almost every night he wakes up for the first time around midnight to get changed and feed. Then he will wake up between2-4 (just depends how much he ate at midnight) Then he wakes us between 4:30-5 to eat and then he is out til 8 or 9 so he is kinda on a schedule already. Which is kind of nice. Another thing about this little man is he HATES to have his hands covered!! He scratches his face so we put mittens on his little hands...Well Tristan screams and puts the mittens in his mouth or under his chin and pulls till they come off!! Smart hua? He is really amazing!! I just love watching him and the faces he makes. I still can't believe he is finally here. Well I can't think off anything to write...I am sure there is a ton more I could write about but I am kinda sleep deprived..So I am going to close this for now and take a quick three minute shower before my lil man decides he is starving again!!!